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Air Trends Report by CWT Solutions Group

A bi-monthly forecast powered by CWT Solutions Group, the data and consulting arm of CWT.

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Forcasting from November to December 2019
Released November 7, 2019

Global Trend Average Ticket Price

Global Trend

Average ticket price

Average ticket prices (ATPs) are expected to increase 1.7% in the fourth quarter of 2019 compared with the previous quarter, bringing the overall 2019 ATP increase to 1.9% compared with 2018. Healthy travel demand, tighter capacity and efficient cost management have been a boon for airlines as reflected in our price projections.

Looking ahead to 2020, CWT reaffirms its 2020 forecast for air prices, which is projected to rise by 1.2%, a more modest increase tempered by a possible slowdown in the US and China, according to the IMF.

Global Trend economy class usage

Global Trend

Economy Class Usage

Economy class usage will continue to remain stable at 91.4%, which is basically the annual average for 2019. CWT Solutions Group saw no significant changes in corporate travel policies to shift usage away from economy to premium cabins.

Global trend advanced booking usage

Global Trend

Advance Booking Usage

Trips booked more than two weeks out is forecast to reach 43% compliance from travelers in December 2019, once more in line with the yearly average. CWT Solutions Group saw companies promoting and enforcing the importance of advanced booking, leading to a half a percentage point increase in overall compliance in 2019 versus 2018.

Global trend online booking usage

Global Trend

Online booking tools usage

OBT usage is projected to reach 48.5% by December this year, following similar trends throughout the year. This represents a solid 3% points improvement from 2018, owing to a continuous stream of investments in technology on the web, mobile and apps. This can only go higher in 2020.

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