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Travel services available through our messaging tool, 24/7

In this digital era, employees want and need to do everything on the go: join a meeting via an app, check emails from their bed, or book travel on the train. Fewer people want to pick up a phone or send another email, especially when time is of the essence. Industry research* shows that 50% of consumers— that includes your employees—want to use messaging services for speed and ease.

As a Business to Business for Employees (B2B4E) company, we understand the need to provide the right blend of travel technology services to support your employees in their role. Add messaging into your travel services menu that provides your employees with an easy-to-use alternative to calling or e-mailing our travel counselors. Available through our myCWT app or your preferred enterprise collaboration tool, don’t just take our word for it.

Eilon Carmi 

Meet Eilon Carmi:
As a CWT product director for over 8 years, Eilon’s focus is to build products that traveling employees will want to use. myCWT, our award-winning app, is only part of the story; he’s shaping our myCWT platform and related service channels – web, mobile, messaging - to deliver the services your employees expect from your travel program.

Eilon's strength is delivering consumer-grade services; simplifying travel-related complexities through deep technical expertise. His entire career, spanning 16 years, demonstrates a passion for providing an experience that has users making a positive choice to engage.


*Source: Nuance 2018 US Customer Service Messaging trends report

Five travel services you can access using myCWT messaging:

  • Booking
  • Trip disruptions
  • Travel changes
  • Cancellations
  • Itinerary requests

… and more

90% user satisfaction

“Good positive experience.
Able to multi-task while CWT handled booking.”

Anonymous user of myCWT messaging app

myCWT Messaging app



Upgrade your travel program.
Add messaging for a easy to use service tool.